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ABC Medical

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Bleeding due to Drugs

For major bleeding due to Thrombolytics (e.g. intracerebral) within 48 h of administration
  • IV access, send FBC, U&E, clotting screen
  • Take expert Haematology advice/Local protocols
  • Stop infusion of fibrinolytic drugs and other antithrombotic drugs
  • Administer Fresh Frozen Plasma 12 ml/kg
  • Administer IV Tranexamic acid 1 g tds (2C).
  • If there is low fibrinogen, administer cryoprecipitate or fibrinogen concentrate
  • Further therapy should be guided by results of coagulation tests
Warfarin and High INR
  • Major bleeding
    • ABC, IV access, achieve haemostasis and Stop warfarin sodium
    • Give phytomenadione (vitamin K1) by slow intravenous injection
    • Give dried Prothrombin complex (factors II, VII, IX, and X) but if dried prothrombin complex unavailable, FFP can be given but is less effective
    • Recombinant factor VIIa is not recommended for emergency anticoagulation
  • Minor Bleeding reversal INR >8.0
    • Stop warfarin sodium
    • Give phytomenadione (vitamin K1) by slow intravenous injection; repeat dose of phytomenadione if INR still too high after 24 hours
    • Restart warfarin sodium when INR <5.0
  • INR >8.0, no bleeding
    • Stop warfarin sodium
    • Give phytomenadione (vitamin K1) by mouth using the IV preparation orally [unlicensed use]
    • Repeat dose of phytomenadione if INR still too high after 24 hours; restart warfarin when INR <5.0
  • INR 5.0-8.0, minor bleeding
    • Stop warfarin sodium
    • Give phytomenadione (vitamin K1) by slow IV injection
    • Restart warfarin sodium when INR <5.0
  • INR 5.0-8.0, no bleeding
    • Withhold 1 or 2 doses of warfarin sodium and reduce subsequent maintenance dose
    • Unexpected bleeding at therapeutic levels - always investigate possibility of underlying cause e.g. unsuspected renal or gastro-intestinal tract pathology
Bleeding due to Rivaroxaban
  • There is no specific antidote for rivaroxaban.
  • Management of bleeding should be through cessation of treatment and general haemostatic measures
  • In situations with ongoing life-threatening bleeding, PCC, APCC and rFVIIa should be considered

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