Related Subjects:
|Relapsing Polychondritis
|Reactive Arthritis
|Raynaud's Phenomenon
|Polyarteritis nodosa
|Rheumatoid Arthritis
|Systemic Sclerosis (Scleroderma)
|Rheumatology Autoantibodies
|Overlap Syndrome
|Sjögren’s syndrome
The main cause of death is lung disease followed by renal and cardiac disease. The limited disease has a better prognosis with milder organ involvement
- Sclerosis: "hardening" of tissue with loss of compliance
- Scleroderma: thickening and fibrosis of the skin
- A collection of events leads to increase fibroblasts
- Possibly due to increased collagen deposition by fibroblasts
- Commonly with Raynaud's phenomenon
- Antibodies to centromere, topoisomerase and RNA polymerases.
- May exist with SLE/RA/Polymyositis, Renal, Lung fibrosis, cardiac and Gut involvement.
- Can be classified into Diffuse and Limited Cutaneous SSc forms.
- Diagnosis is clinical. Antibodies help but if negative they do not negate the diagnosis.
Systemic sclerosis (scleroderma)
- Multisystem disease with involvement of the skin and Raynaud’s phenomenon
Limited Cutaneous Scleroderma (CREST syndrome)
- Better prognosis. Starts as Raynaud's Phenomenon seen in 70%
- Anti nucleolar or anti centromere antibodies in 70%
- Scleroderma: telangiectasia on skin and mucosa which can bleed.
- Face: Tight around mouth "microstomia" and "beak-like "nose
- Flexion contracture (Sclerodactyly) of the fingers
- Painful digital ulcers.
- Calcium deposition in the fingers (calcinosis).
- Dilated nail fold capillary loops (magnifying glass).
- Oesophageal - dysmotility and GORD and strictures - treat with PPI
- Gastric holdup, early satiety - prokinetic agents.
- Delayed Gut transit time, bacterial overgrowth and malabsorption.
- Pulmonary hypertension
This was called CREST for Calcinosis, Raynaud’s phenomenon, Esophageal involvement, Sclerodactyly, Telangiectasia
Diffuse Cutaneous Scleroderma
- More widespread than limited disease
- Skin changes as above but more oedematous prior to usual changes
- Oesophageal - dysmotility and GORD and strictures - treat with PPI.
- Gastric holdup, early satiety - prokinetic agents.
- Delayed transit time, bacterial overgrowth and malabsorption.
- Raynaud's phenomena - precipitated by cold or emotion. Those with positive autoantibodies may go on to develop SSc
- Pulmonary fibrosis strongly related to anti-topoisomerase antibodies and negatively related to anti-centromere.
- Pulmonary hypertension (PHT) can occur without pulmonary fibrosis.
- Cardiac - pericarditis, myocardial fibrosis, conduction defects
- Renal disease: AKI/CKD. accelerated hypertension.
- Acute renal crisis: Rx ACEI, CCB. Some develop glomerulonephritis
- Anti topoisomerase and anti-RNA polymerase I II III in 30%
Localised Scleroderma disease without telangiectasia or other systemic involvement
- Localised Morphea: localised thickened plaques with altered increased or reduced pigmentation and an inflamed reddened border
- Generalised Morphea: Widespread itchy lesions which can follow peripheral veins. May require potent anti-inflammatories
- Linear Scleroderma: Linear limb asymmetrical distributions
- En coup de sabre: linear Scleroderma. Affects tissues, muscles, bone and brain.
- Anaemia, Elevated ESR and CRP
- Rheumatoid factor positive 30%
- ANA positive in 90% (homogenous/speckled)
- Anti centromere antibodies 80% limited disease and 10% diffuse
- Anti scl70 antibodies (Anti topoisomerase I) in 20-40%
- Anti-RNA polymerase Diffuse disease
- Transfer factor reduced: suggest lung disease get HRCT
- Doppler echo and HRCT and right heart catheter if PHT suspected
- Barium swallow impaired motility
- Radiology. Hand X-ray: deposits of calcium around the fingers. Erosion and resorption of the tufts of the distal phalanges.
- HRCT Lung: fibrotic lung
- Barium swallow shows impaired oesophageal motility.
- Education, counselling, family support are essential aspects of management
- Raynaud's: avoiding cold weather, gloves, calcium channel blocker
- Hypertensive crises: ACEI to improve survival.
- Digital ulcers: vasodilators e.g. CCBs, Prostacyclin, Sildenafil, Sympathectomy, Bosentan (ET receptor blocker)
- Skin scleroderma: Immunosuppression e.g. Cyclophosphamide, Mycophenolate mofetil, Methotrexate
- Pulmonary fibrosis: HRCT, Spirometry, CXR, Lung biopsy. Use Cyclophosphamide or azathioprine combined with low-dose oral prednisolone.
- Pulmonary hypertension: LTOT, Digoxin, Diuretics, Anticoagulation. Parenteral Prostacyclin, Oral Bosentan. Atrial septostomy. Transplantation.
- Gut: Oesophageal: PPIs for GORD. Vascular lesions bleed around cardia need local laser therapy. Antibiotics for bacterial overgrowth and prokinetic agents. Symptomatic malabsorption requires nutritional supplementation.
10 year Prognosis
- Limited cutaneous 70%
- Diffuse cutaneous 55%
- Pulmonary fibrosis and PHT are the major causes of death.